I've continued with Exploration A.1, but I cannot breach the walls of Exploration A.1.1-A.1.4, so named because I've attempted this exploration 4 times, and have come to the same results. That is, the edge of Lucid-ness, quite within my grasp and still unable to fully reach it.
Alas, there have been setbacks as well. Internet-men scouring the house for faulty wires, unexpected visits from family during my Lucid Nap Time, and electric-men fixing a power outage. I'll spare you the details of these other sub-explorations for now, because they're irrelevant and mostly unamusing. When the power went off once, right as my body went to sleep and my mind was still awake, I opened my eyes, and I could see the ceiling fan slowing down. Of course, I didn't know the power was out, because I couldn't turn my head to see if the clock was on or not. I just thought time was slowing down. Eventually the fan stopped completely and imagine me! Thinking I stopped Time. Silly me. No, it was just a power outage.
Reality can be such a tease.
There's Vaseline on the handle of this gate, but now that my classes are officially over until the end of the month, I should have plenty of time for some Exploring.
Should we rendezvous somewhere in Dreamsville, darling? I'm sorry, I have no map. But I do have some hastily-written directions in a language I'm just learning, for your benefit, good heart.
And then...what time is there to stop?
Can I be a team member?
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