Monday, May 18, 2009

Only Many Frontiers

Brave souls,

Perhaps you may be confused about my intentions in keeping this web-log. Perhaps not. 

Perhaps it may seem that I'm full of it, and these entries, and their illuminating contents, are mere jestures. This is not the case.

Everything I write here is true. Not really True, but true. If my tone seems less than sincere to the naked eyes, it's because here we are talking about enlightenment, and attaining higher states of consciousness, be it through external stimuli or internal subjective Mind processes. For enlightenment is surely beyond words, and I offer no attempt to convey my journey therein. After all, 1. have fun.

So what then is the point? What is the point of philosophy and Consciousness Exploration? I do seek enlightenment, I do seek to awake to the fact all space is One, and all time is One, and all everything is One, or None. 

Revel! There is neither a point to all of this nor is there not a point to all of this.

Why worry? I asked the world, why do you worry so much? Because you seem to be worried all the time.

Dear world, I'm pleased to meet you. 

What the world doesn't want us to see

what the world wants us to fear

is what we grow in our gardens

Everything is welcome here

Life itinerary: change of plans! I no longer plan to stay in Greece for 2 semesters. My current plan is to only stay in Greece from Sept 09 - Dec. 09. Then, barring unforeseen obstacles, I just might return to the Uni of Alberta in the winter. 

But that's the future, and it doesn't really exist. 

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